Monday, August 13, 2012

India Then and Now

Hiiii, here I am again with some weird thoughts of mine. .As a new blogger my thoughts are like roller coaster ride till now, sometimes I am full with many ideas and sometimes I have none. Trust me its not easy for me to write without any professional training, however after reading my friends feedback, I decided to write more.Instead of sharing my weird thoughts just with my dear diary, its good to share with everyone.

                    As 15th august coming so I decided to share my weird thoughts about India. On 15th of August 1947, India attained freedom from the British rule. We celebrate 15th August in honour of the birth of the nation.
       As I am not in India today and that could be the reason I miss my country most. Time goes by so fast, People go in and out in your life and those are not with you today, when you turn back you tend to miss them most. Same with me, when I look at my childhood, it makes me nostalgic. How India has changed from 80's and 90's to till date from black and white TV  to internet. THEN and NOW........How India is changing???
  • There was a time, we were very happy to watch Doordarshan on black and white    TV. Now we have LCD TV with end numbers of channels but our mind keeps on changing along with our fingers on remote control.  
  • There was a time, every Sunday; we use to watch Ramayan with whole family along with our breakfast. Now when I make a call to India on Sundays, everyone is busy watching Satyamevjayate and I am getting the answer, call back later: p 
  • There was a time, my parents and all relatives use to watch HUM LOG Although I don’t remember the serial but yeah I remember the name .There was a time, everyone was busy in discussing, Mandira lost her memory, what Tulsi will do? Yeah! I am talking about Kynki…saas bhi kabhi bahu thi.Nowdays everyone is worried about Ram Kapoor and Priya. 
  • There was a time, as I am a music and dance lover, I use to wait or Chitrahaar, now days no need to wait for songs as I am blessed with [M] TV and channel [V].
  • There was a time when advertisement were few, I still remember “Hema, Rekha, Jaya aur Sushma, sabki ki pasand Nirma” and "Hamara bajaj "now replaced with AXE deodorant “even angles will fall” 
  • From Archie’s greeting card to Facebook.
  •  From Malgudi days,Nukkad ,Bharat ek khoj,Vikram betal,HEMAN,Mougali and many more ,India has changed till “ pehchan kaun”Laughter challenge,KBC,Harry potter,cartoon network and IPL 20-20.

                    India is changing yet remains the same and for all the reason I love my India. We lived our childhood happily in 80’s and 90’s and now we are enjoying text savy world too. We rode our bicycle fearlessly even when the brakes failed going downhill. It felt like a breath of fresh air.Saftey helmets, knee guards and elbow guards were just sounds like show off stuff. Whenever we were thirsty we only drank tank water, Mineral water bottle was still a mystery. We walked to school, sometimes in rickshaw or we even rode our bicycle .We had no mobile phones, but we always managed to find each other. We never followed Google maps and still discovered any location. On 15th August, national anthem, flag hosting, few patriotic songs, and four laddus were common in most of our schools.Now in International school Children are blessed with McDonald's happy meal or some fancy packet filled with juice packet,samosa and some sweet.India has changed a lot, yet remains the same .I lived in THEN and enjoying NOW and I love old and new India both.

Disha Saxena


  1. Nice thoughts and not at all weird ..the other day me and Jyandeep were also discussing the same things specially the chronology of the "Sunday Morning Specials" Indian TV shows.
    But India has changed a lot. I think now we Indians only talk about our culture and dont actually now what it means , we talk about family but hardly have time to spend it with out kids , forget about our extended families.
    I think now India and Indians are in a confused state we wants to hold on to our values and culture but also want to show everybody we are modern like the west but somewhere we cannot let go of backward mentality and embrace of everything with open minds.
    Also even after so many years of freedom i dont think we are really FREE in India , can we dare to speak , think and act freely ? of course the definition of freedom has to be given first FREEDOM according to me means doing something your feel RIGHT and which does not HURT anybody else. So even if our actions , thoughts and speech doesn't hurt anybody still we cant practice them openly as Indians are not really FREE.

    hahaha ... was i commenting on yours or writing a blog ...looks like we can start another thread on this one

    1. Nannu,I do agree with you at some point.Now days our morals,values are not clear,we are confused what is good for our children,what is not so good,if someone bully my son,what should he do? Should he ignore first? should he inform some adult? should he take action and react? I feel parents are confused about parenting and it looks like parenting is a POPULARITY CONTEST ....about freedom,we are free from British rules,yet we follow Britishers :p ENGLISH,driving ,many things.....about sharing our thoughts without hurting anyone.. I would like to add.....aisi bani boliye man ka aapa khoye ,auran ko sheetal kare..apahu sheetal hoye ....:) :D

  2. Oh.. it is so so true Disha.. u have revived my old days.. Those were such beautiful days and I really miss them.. And these are not at all weird thoughts, these are actual thoughts..
