Saturday, August 4, 2012

Aunty ji Aunty ji Get up and dance !!!

Hiii,Have u ever notice the street vendors and their marketing skills?while observing street vendors I learned the simple lesson of marketing from them. Lets go one step further and find out the marketing guru in the next least expected person.Despite of no exposure of B-school and marketing guru,who is busy in watching saas bahu serial rather then business news channel. Who do you think can be?guess? ahan!! She is our very beloved next door Aunty ji!!!
 Oh yeah! She comes in all sizes; well…size zero is still not common! The moment she shift in new society is first thing she does is making contact with watchman, give him some money for chai pani and blessed herself with best maid, presswala, sabji wala and cook .Next she throws a party or visit every flat and introduce herself to make contact and join jogging, yoga, walking or laugher club. (In marketing terms: understanding the market and observation) 
Slowly she will be invited for all the major functions of the society and with her scanned eyes she will read, observe and note all the gossip ,relationship, who is who and every small detail of the society members with verbal and non verbal language. (In marketing terms: developing marketing strategies as per customer) 
                                  You may have noticed this new lady becomes the most popular lady of the society .she becomes the one who knew it all. She is aware about all gossip, news, who is flirting with whom, why Pandey ji is coming late? Why Kavita’s maid left her house? Why Jyoti’s kids are wild? What Sahil is thinking about his carrier? How Sudhakar ji is saving dowry for his daughter’s wedding etc, etc.With her big smile and sugar coated words she will capture the nerve of everyone’s pulse .She is now the official boss of the society. (In marketing terms: Unanimous market leader thanks to fulfilling the supply-created demand)             
she is now ready to move on the next step i.e. be the yellow pages for your society.Refrence for hotel ,restaurant ,hospital, dental clinic, grocery shop,parlour,banquest hall, designer clothes ,nursery admission to dhobi ghat,everything is via Aunty ji!!(In marketing terms: Complete monopoly market is established) 
                                Now, she might open her own business from papads to khakaras, sarees to kurties, Avon’s, Oriflame, Amway products to professional mehandi, matchmaking, wedding planner, cooking classes to anything. Who knows, she might even stand for the Municipality ward election! ( In marketing terms: from monopoly market to good will so that the next player doesn't stand a chance and is always a shadow in front of the old brand)

 Jai Ho!!! Aunty ji ! Aunty ji! Get up and dance !!!

Disha Saxena  


  1. Yeah..its free publicity! interesting observation!

  2. I dnt have any idea regarding marketing but whatever u mentioned I got to know wht is marketing :) Thanks :)

    1. Nilay First I want to say thanks to you for reading my blog and spending time for writing your Valuable comments . Second about marketing ,its really not easy otherwise Bata shoes can still lead the market :)

  3. just foolish use of words

    1. Anonymous ,I want to say thanks to you for reading and giving your comments ,good,bad,ugly...anythings..I need critics too :)

  4. In between I could recollect Inzi's English at the end of cricket offense but eng needs to improve....

    1. Anonymous,Thanks a lot for reading and sharing your valuable comments,I am sure it will benefit to enrich my thoughts and improve my English. I wonder if have given your comments after reading my two blogs.

  5. I liked this wierd thought of yours, infact in India you can encounter this kind of character in almost every society... I could correlate to this very well...

    1. Tapashree,yeah so true,we can encounter this kind of character in almost every society ...hope we are not the game.
