Sunday, December 23, 2012

Khalbali hai Khalbali !!!!

                       यूँ  तो मेरे मन मैं कई बार यह ख्याल आया की फिर से कुछ लिखा जाये मगर ना जाने क्यूँ अपने ही ख्याल को मैं सुन कर भी अनसुना करती रही और आज 24 दिसम्बर को आखिरकार इतने महीनो के बाद मैंने कुछ लिखने का अपना दिल बना ही लिया  छुट्टियों के दिन है ,बाहर सिर्फ बर्फ ही बर्फ है,रोज़ रोज़ बाहर बर्फ में निकल कर दो ही काम हो सकते है या तो सर्दी लगने का खतरा और या बर्फ मैं गिर कर हड्डी तुडवाने का और दोनों में ही नुकसान  मेरे अकेले का  अब ऐसे मैं क्या किया जाये जिससे वक़्त कुछ अच्छी तरह से निकल जाये और कोई नुकसान  भी ना हो 
          कई बार हम अपने दिल की बात किसी को बताने चाहे तो या तो हमारे पास  बताने के लिए उचित शब्द कम पड़  जाते है या यूँ भी कह सकते है की सामने वाला आपके शब्दों को समझ नहीं पताया तो वो कुछ जयादा ही समझ लेते है या कुछ भी नहीं और ऐसे में जब आपकी भावनाओ को कोई ना समझ पाए तो सबसे उचित होगा की आप खुद अपनी भावनाओ को नज़रंदाज़ मत करो और जो दिल में आये उसे अपने आप को सोचने समझने का पूरा पूरा मौका दो  
                          आज कल की latest news या खलबली जो मेरे दिमाग पर  छाए हुई है वो कोई एक बात नहीं है actually कई सारी है  सबसे पहले हमारी छुट्टियाँ ,21 दिसम्बर को दुनिया का ख़त्म  होने की नाकामयाब चर्चा  अमेरिका में हाल फिलाल में हुआ एक हादसा जिसमें एक स्कूल में कई मासूम बच्चो और कुछ  teachers की  स्कूल के अंदर बन्दूक की गोली से मार कर हत्या कर दी गयी और दूसरी तरफ Delhi gang rape  दुनिया ख़त्म  हुई या नहीं या कैसे होगी वह  सब तो मुझे नहीं पता ,ना मैं पता करना चाहती हूँ, चाहती हूँ तो बस इतना की अगर  दुनिया का हर इंसान सिर्फ अपनी जिम्मेदारी लेले तो काफी कुछ ठीक हो सकता है।  हर कोई अगर इतना कमा ले की वह अपना जीवन हँसी खुशी बिताने लायक हो जाए  अगर किसी को दे ना सके तो किसी से मांगने की नौबत भी ना आये तो सब ठीक हो सकता है  
                   दिन- रात ,अमरीका से लेकर इंडिया तक ,यह सब जो हो रहा है ,क्या यह मानसिक असंतुलन का कारण तो नहीं ,मगर मेरा  पूरा पूरा शक इसी ओर जाता है वो कहते है ना " खाली दिमाग शेतान का घर " . इंसान के पास जब सपने तो बहुत बड़े बड़े होते है मगर उन्हें पूरा करने की हिम्मत और लगन नहीं होती तो शायद वह उन्हें गलत तरीके से पूरा करने की सोचने लगता है और गलत राह पे चल देता है  विनाश काले विरीत बुद्धि !! या कही ऐसा तो नहीं की यह हॉलीवुड और बॉलीवुड से प्रभावित हो कर लिया हुआ कदम है ,हॉलीवुड मैं गोलियों ,बन्दूक,खून खरबा इन सब के बिना कोई मूवी नहीं बनती और बॉलीवुड में आइटम नंबर और rape के बिना  मुझे मालूम नहीं  की अमेरिका में दिन दहाड़े एक स्कूल में  मासूम बच्चो की  जान लेने की क्या सजा है ,मुझे मालूम नहीं की इंडिया मैं रात के अँधेरे मैं एक लड़की का gang rape करके उसको अधमरा सड़क पे छोड़ के जाने की क्या सजा है  शायद यह सब बाते सिर्फ न्यूज़ तक ही सीमित रह जाएँगी या मात्र चर्चा का विषय बन कर  इन सब का जिम्मेबाद कौन है ? क्या इन अपराधो की कोई सजा है ? क्या यह अपराध भविष्य में दुबारा कभी नहीं होंगे ? क्या दुनिया अभी खत्म नहीं हुई या अभी भी कुछ बाकि है ? सवाल तो हम सब के मन मैं बहुत है मगर यह सब हमारे साथ नहीं हुआ है इस लिए यह सिर्फ सवाल है अगर यह सब हमारे साथ होता तो क्या तब भी यह सब बातें सिर्फ सवाल ही बन कर रह जाते ???

Weird Thoughts 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Inhale Humour Exhale Stress

Hiiii,here I am again after a short break. You can imagine if someone is not checking her or his Facebook account, that means she or he is genuinely engaged in something productive, at least in my case.Today, while sitting in the library I was searching for one good book but I was not able to decide which kind of book can cater something really interesting to my weird thoughts. My eyes were rolling clockwise in the Library; I found one Chinese man was busy in clicking the pictures with his big camera. I wonder why I am not able to read their impressive eyes however I enjoy their postures while clicking the pictures. After climbing around 25-30 stairs, I found myself standing in the section where all the books belong to English language. Thriller, murder, mystery, suspense never attracts me, I was not in the mood to read anything motivational too and suddenly I found an interesting book. It is about Humour and wit. Humour is not always my cup of tea but I found whenever I am tired humour and wit gives me energy.
           Whatever we do in our life, it’s basically because some particular thing attracts us most and we want to give a try at least. That attraction motivates us to take action. Only thinking can't help us in emergency, we don't think when we see a snake in fact, we run or attack the snake because the memory cell in human brain is registered as snake is a dangerous thing. When we see any religious place, we close our eyes and talk with god in our mind because the memory cell in our brain is registered as God is trust and faith. When we read, listen or watch anything with full of humour we can’t stop laughing and it’s very necessary for life.
                       Anything or everything can attract us and based on the intensity of desire we act. There is a saying in cricket," see it early, hit is late". Understand the situation, analyse it and lit sit in brain and then take decision. Well I don't know what attracts you most, why and when but I found jokes, humour and wit always good for health. Its time to Inhale humour and wit, exhale stress and tension.
  • During the difficult time that follow liberation from communism, perhaps humour can help to lighten the burdens of many things.
  • Some women are pretty and some are teachers.
  • A ghost is an invisible object which can only be seen at night.
  • When Adam delved and Eve span, where was then the gentleman?
  • What did the big chimney say to the little chimney? …you are too young to smoke :)
  • I like work; it fascinates me, I can sit and look at it for hours.
  • When the poor steal your wallet, you call them robbers. When the rich steal it, you call them managers.
  • In Sweden winter comes in the summer. Summer often doesn't come at all.
  • Experience is a name everyone gives to his mistakes.
  • Nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.
  • Doctor:" I think you cough more easily this morning.” Patient (irritated):"I should, I have been practising all night".
  • Sign on the 1st floor by the elevator,” In the interest of economy, this elevator must be used from upward journeys".
  • Save a tree!!! Eat a beaver!!!
  • One Camaleon to another Camaleon, darling promise, you will never change.
                                 Although I liked them all but I am sure if not all but few of them attracts you for sure. We all are unique and have different taste and interest, likes, dislikes. Laughter ,humour and wit is the best exercise to relax my mind and soul .Best thing about Humour you need not to see it early and hit it late, or else you need a friend who can read this for you.LOL…do tell me, what attracts you most????

Disha Saxena

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Hiii, here I am again with some weird thoughts of mine. I am sure from the title “BUFFET” you are trying to guess, now what’s new? I will not wonder if you are assuming a table filled with variety of your favourite food, dessert and ice creams and you can see yourself standing in the line with plate containing whichever food item you want as you walk along. Well!!!! Stop your imagination here; I am not sharing anything related to food or parties.Although we all know what is buffet. Do you know the meaning of Buffet? Well it is a French word Buffet and it means “get up and get it yourself”.In Buffet, we have many things like soup, starters, main course, dessert and some healthy salads too.  
                  This blog is about "Holiday Buffet". Although we get many kinds of holidays like religious holidays, national holidays, secular holidays and many more but summer holidays are special, because they don’t vanish like weekends instead they stay for long. After having a long day, we all deserve a holiday or break and that’s why we get weekend. In modern days Holiday means any special day for rest and relaxation, just opposite to normal days away from work ,school and college.
           I was eagerly waiting for summer holidays like anyone else. Before it start, I was all excited and made a long list for summer holidays, I decided to make a special buffet table for my holidays, filled with many special items like bright sun shine, sea, barbecue, getting up late in the morning, sleeping late in the night, workout in gym, long walks, healthy food, reading good books, picnic with friends, play days, tours at beautiful locations, laughter, movies and many more things. Once the table was filled with variety of things, everything was tempting to me. I thought as holidays will start, day by day, I will enjoy all the stuff in balance way. I decided to enjoy all the stuff, sun shine, sea, walk, gym, picnic, play days everything. But it was not easy to make right choice.
        As I mentioned before “get up and get it yourself”, it was totally up to me, when I will get up to serve myself, what and how much, I will serve in my plate from my special summer buffet. Sometimes only quality doesn’t matter, quantity also matters a lot. It was totally up to me to serve only laziness or something productive too. Day one came, and I was thinking, ahan!!! Just a first day of my summer holidays, let me be .Day 2, 3, 4, 5 and so on many days were same as day 1. Sleeping late in the nights, bed was looking like the best place in the world for my lazy bones. “Life is incomplete without love and in Sweden life is incomplete without summer”. Every morning my son’s first question use to be, “mamma where we are going today?” Almost everyday we were outdoors, enjoyed the sun and tanned our self badly. Some times we went to parks, lunch at friend's place, lunch at our place; play days, swimming, lazy bones, read few good books too but not many,visit to Gotland, I must say Gotland is like a meditation, everyone should visit once, and my son’s Sleepover too which I already mentioned  in my previous post.
       Holidays are cheap; it’s the accessories that kill you. Doing so many things in summer holidays was not an easy task. Well I am just kidding here.Actually, it’s true I spoiled myself totally during this summer holidays, however now , I think and reflect back, I can see life is about living all the moment completely, living in present. I did the same. Excess of anything is dangerous. Too much of holidays can be dangerous too.” Khali dimaag shaitan ka ghar”. I filled my plate with all the items from my special buffet, yeah!! I did little bit of cheating while selecting the itmes, all were not healthy items but I don’t regret. As our holidays are over but still I am greedy for summer, hoping summer will continue for little long. Now, I am again excited for busy life with my active bones to participate again in rat race .How was your holiday? Are you charged up?

Disha Saxena

Monday, August 13, 2012

India Then and Now

Hiiii, here I am again with some weird thoughts of mine. .As a new blogger my thoughts are like roller coaster ride till now, sometimes I am full with many ideas and sometimes I have none. Trust me its not easy for me to write without any professional training, however after reading my friends feedback, I decided to write more.Instead of sharing my weird thoughts just with my dear diary, its good to share with everyone.

                    As 15th august coming so I decided to share my weird thoughts about India. On 15th of August 1947, India attained freedom from the British rule. We celebrate 15th August in honour of the birth of the nation.
       As I am not in India today and that could be the reason I miss my country most. Time goes by so fast, People go in and out in your life and those are not with you today, when you turn back you tend to miss them most. Same with me, when I look at my childhood, it makes me nostalgic. How India has changed from 80's and 90's to till date from black and white TV  to internet. THEN and NOW........How India is changing???
  • There was a time, we were very happy to watch Doordarshan on black and white    TV. Now we have LCD TV with end numbers of channels but our mind keeps on changing along with our fingers on remote control.  
  • There was a time, every Sunday; we use to watch Ramayan with whole family along with our breakfast. Now when I make a call to India on Sundays, everyone is busy watching Satyamevjayate and I am getting the answer, call back later: p 
  • There was a time, my parents and all relatives use to watch HUM LOG Although I don’t remember the serial but yeah I remember the name .There was a time, everyone was busy in discussing, Mandira lost her memory, what Tulsi will do? Yeah! I am talking about Kynki…saas bhi kabhi bahu thi.Nowdays everyone is worried about Ram Kapoor and Priya. 
  • There was a time, as I am a music and dance lover, I use to wait or Chitrahaar, now days no need to wait for songs as I am blessed with [M] TV and channel [V].
  • There was a time when advertisement were few, I still remember “Hema, Rekha, Jaya aur Sushma, sabki ki pasand Nirma” and "Hamara bajaj "now replaced with AXE deodorant “even angles will fall” 
  • From Archie’s greeting card to Facebook.
  •  From Malgudi days,Nukkad ,Bharat ek khoj,Vikram betal,HEMAN,Mougali and many more ,India has changed till “ pehchan kaun”Laughter challenge,KBC,Harry potter,cartoon network and IPL 20-20.

                    India is changing yet remains the same and for all the reason I love my India. We lived our childhood happily in 80’s and 90’s and now we are enjoying text savy world too. We rode our bicycle fearlessly even when the brakes failed going downhill. It felt like a breath of fresh air.Saftey helmets, knee guards and elbow guards were just sounds like show off stuff. Whenever we were thirsty we only drank tank water, Mineral water bottle was still a mystery. We walked to school, sometimes in rickshaw or we even rode our bicycle .We had no mobile phones, but we always managed to find each other. We never followed Google maps and still discovered any location. On 15th August, national anthem, flag hosting, few patriotic songs, and four laddus were common in most of our schools.Now in International school Children are blessed with McDonald's happy meal or some fancy packet filled with juice packet,samosa and some sweet.India has changed a lot, yet remains the same .I lived in THEN and enjoying NOW and I love old and new India both.

Disha Saxena

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Angry Birds

        Hiii, Here I am again with some weird thoughts of mine.   Read a paper, watch TV, take some phone calls, check your email, you’ll encounter at least with some thing to get angry about.
   Anger is normal, usually healthy emotions we all experience. But when anger gets out of hand, its can cause problems at home and at work. There are ways you can get control of your anger, instead of letting it control you. There is an old saying 
         “Don’t make decision when you are angry, don’t make promise when you are happy”
       There are few epic examples from Indian mythology which got influenced by anger or happiness. Many great knowledgeable people also affected with their excessive anger or happiness and did blunder with their decisions. Here are few examples:
  • Duryodhan ordered his brother Dushasana to rip off the clothes from Draupadi’s body as Yudhistar lost her in an ugly game in the court since Drapadi was their dasi or slave and was not supposed to wear the dresses worn by a queen.
  • Draupadi has taken a vow that she will not tie her hair till she rinses her hair with the blood of Dushaasan.
  • Bheema was moving around with a pledge that he will never relax till he breaks the thighs of Duryodhana.
  • Arjuna has taken a vow after his son Abhimanyu’s death,he will kill the Jayadratha before sunset next day or would commit  self immolation.
  • Lord Yama admired Savitri’s devotion, courage, firmness, loyality and granted her with many wishes, her father-in-laws sight and kingdom, many children for her father and for herself her husband Satyawan’s life.
                  All these decisions are influenced by excessive emotions. You will regret the decision later, finding them to be too senile and mad.
       Few days back, I noticed, A man and two children, a boy about seven and a girl about five, were sitting just opposite to me in a train. Father was really busy with his computer sending some mails probably and the boy looked his father and said something. Whatever he said set off his father who started yelling at the boy. I could see the boy’s pain as his father’s words hit him. It was heart breaking.
          What happen next took me by surprise, but shouldn’t have. As soon as his father stopped yelling at him, the boy fighting to his little sister and hit her and immediately she burst into tears and throw her hamburger.
          As I thought about that boy, I realize how often I and so many people, I know do a version of the same thing. We say or do something to someone when, really, it’s meant for someone else.
     Before reacting it helps to ask our self, “what mood are they currently in?”
What could have caused him to act this way? What would you do if you were in his situation? Would you repeat his mistake or would you consider different?
      This morning, I woke up anxious with a long list of things in my mind. I was busy doing my things, my eight year old son, came with his football and I immediately felt annoyed. I had the urge to tell him not to disturb me.
   Before reacting though, I remember that man who yelled at his boy who then hit his sister .I didn’t want to continue the chain. I took a deep breath, turned and smiled chain broken.
My reward???? A smile, a hug and the sweetest little kiss. You can imagineJ!!!

Disha Saxena

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Sleepover vs Sleepless night

 Hiiii,Here I am again with some weird thoughts of mine, actually this time its less of weird and more on emotional side.Sleepover,what? Are you sure? Let me think, well, we will see, exactly I reacted in this way when my son's best friend asked Me." can we have a sleepover?” Actually I never had a proper idea what it is all about? Its just sounds like a fancy name to me. As an Indian, I never had a sleepover during my childhood. In fact staying with friends till late night was never happen in my school life. My son is just eight, he and his friends already planning for sleepover. They are best buddies, smart, intelligent and understanding guys, not so naughty like other children but still being a mother, you can imagine my words can be little biased about them. Well this is not the exact point.
             I still wonder what sleepover is, I still have my childhood memories in my mind as clear as shining screen. During summer holidays, we used to go to my Grandma's place (my mother's mom).If we were not able to plan that visit for some valid reason, we were never unhappy about it, instead many of my cousins used to visit us. We used to play outdoor; of course playing with dolls, kitchen and all girls stuff was one of my favourite games. Sleepless night, giggling till midnight, home made ice creams. Coke, Pepsi and “Thumbs up” were only for guest and we poor children survived only on lemon juice or Ruafzha,ahan! actually very happily.
                During nights if there was any power cut, we used to play Antakshari,divided into Girls vs Boys team and later adults used to join us. Cricket, fire and ice ,Stapu , tippy tippy top (what colour you want?),four corners were also our childhood games, as there were no computer, playstation, x-box or iPad.Climbing on trees, plucking guava ,papaya from our own or neighbour’s trees while all adults were busy in taking their afternoon naps in irritating cooler noise .In the evening we were allowed to play anything inside the house under the supervision of any adult accompanied  with little bit scolding .As our house was really big with open area to play, we hardly visited some parks. We used to have rented VCR with 3 movies ,action, family drama and some another one. I was the one who used to sleep early among all of us and next morning my cousins used to tease me adding some extra spice about the whole night fun.LOL….i went to my childhood !!!! Did you have same as mine???
                 Today, my son, without any reason and warning, he woke up at 6:00 am and he hugged me with his good morning wish. From his big smile and exciting face, I was able to make the reason behind his fresh face. I asked him to go back to bed and sleep again and said, its holidays. However we both were aware about his sleepover, as we already discussed about this last night, so I wanted to spend some time with him in his bed. While talking to each other he asked, are you going to miss me? Is it difficult for you? Its okay mom, you and dad are staying without your parents from so long, one day infact I will not stay with you. I was wondering my little sunny deol who is good in breaking everything in my house, how come Javed Akhtar entered in his little body. And most surprisingly and touchy thing he told me, “Mommy as god is invisible but always with us, you and dad are always with me, may be just invisible”. I thought ohhh!!!, my little master is going on right track at least in applying butter on me.
                After our thirty minute emotional drama we thought to pack his stuff. I kept his mobile on charge, and start keeping his stuff in his bag like tooth brush,pyjama,soccer shoes, rain jacket, his sleeping friend dear teddy bear and one pair of extra cloths with extra warning ,don't dig your nose and don't scratch your bums in front of anyone.Dont make mess in washroom, flush and check again. If you miss me, call me anytime, if you wants me pick you at midnight, we will reach there. I know he will be having lots of activities include staying up late,talking,eating junk and playing until falling asleep .With my extra instruction, lots of hugs and kisses. I dropped him at his friends place and told his friend's mom; do call me if you have anything to say. We hugged each other and here I am but my house looks so dull and quite now, there is no one to disturb me at this moment. its annoying really annoying, I don't like this silence .But its a good move for both of us ,we should learn to live without each other ,I know one day he will leave us for good .Although its just a small break but its giving me sleepless night.

Disha Saxena

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

Dear Dairy,
     Today I am sharing my weird thoughts with you.I wonder about few things so decided to share with you.The dark knight rises, Spider-man, Avengers and latest trailer Zero dark Thirty, why this kind of stuff is visible only on boy’s wall follows by another boy’s likes, comments and share.
   Good things come in small packages and the unit of dadagiri would swear by this. From childhood boys always seem to be moving even now with every girlfriend. They enjoy the outdoors, love rough-and-tumble play, and make lot of noise. They are spontaneous, impulsive, fun loving and messy. They always love to turn things upside down and forget to turn it back.
                      With the time they grow in age and belly but not in habits, inside they still have a child with weird arrogance. From rented comic to library novels,movies to facebook only, superheroes. I wonder why they like super heroes so much. If I could get a chance to interview anyone of them. I would love to ask, do you like to fly? Do you like to wear a cape? Are you an intelligent geek? Do you like redheads? Are you accident prone? Are you hopeless in romance? Do you wear thongs? Do you have long hairs? Are you good at acrobatics? Are you a fast runner? Are you bitten by spider or bat? Do you use broom in many ways?
                    I wonder if I can see a superhero with large hammer and bizarre haircut. Well Girls are talkers and boys are walkers, so no hard feelings for any superhero. I wish this superhero’s soul can place in real man, at least for one day so they can fly, fight, jump and run to seek relief.
                Like our myths, Boys believe in good and bad. They believe in right and wrong .They cheer good and boo evil. They wish that good were always cloaked with total strength, and evil garbed in the robes of villainy .They want to be them, to live in their world and they hope that in a moral if not a physical sense, their world resembles their own.
              In fact I feel, we need their superhero now more then ever. So they can think about inability to identify and fight evil. No wonder they are assuming themselves as a superhero with supernatural and seeking relief. God knows when the dark or white knight will rise in dark or light.No offense for any man. 
   Well Girls like tangles, snow-white, A walk to remember and superheroes also because they find its nice to have a man who is strong and can protect them.


Disha Saxena

Monday, August 6, 2012

The Hunger games

 Hiii, here I am again with some weird thoughts of mine. Some of you have already started to guess from the topic, it’s about game, hunger or movie review .Well it’s inspired by the movie and novel The Hunger games, fight till death. 
                         I found our life is also an exciting, fantasy ,thriller for more than bread and butter yet funny, exciting, emotional, confused most of the times. Some times I feel, life is same as TV reality show, our mentor, God is watching us with his hidden camera .However we try to hide and steal few deeds from here and there but he is aware about everything.There are some similarity and differences between Life and TV reality show ,it is cruelly,envy,spite and group hate and love, but there are no retakes ,editing and sponsorship, just LIVE show .Unlike any reality show we need not to give any audition However parents expect victory and always assume may be we can. There is time when we are eager to learn with lots of passion under guidance and advice of mentors but less of patience. Mentoring (elder's advice) is a very taxing stuff, (they assume) to give life saving advice and how to get everything in life. If we really want to win the show or want to have success in the life, you have to get people to like you, not what you are expecting,Voting lines opens at certain point, and votes may save you but not always.
                               You need to have the X factor, to make people like you. You are not going to have makeover alike any TV show, but with the impression of your character, sacrifice, hard work, people will like you for sure not just for your costume, face, makeup and hair do .Don't ignore the survival skills .Arrogance can be a big problem, Good work always do wonders but bad manners can create the serious situations. Which can turn into good, bad or ugly in any direction .
               HOPE, HOPE, HOPE, it is the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective and lots of HOPE is dangerous .Family and friends are like magical balm, to apply generously and stay alive. You never know when the mentor will change the rules before the result according to their mood just like one mentor who is watching us up above the sky. Life is also like a hunger game ,hunger to get success ,happiness,love,fame,name,money and everything ,fight till death .Depends how hungry we are, I am hungry ,very very hungry not just for food but for many things .I am resilience ,never give up, Until I satisfy my hunger . 

No access beyond this point.

Disha Saxena

Mera Bharat Mahaan !!!

Hiii,here I am again with some weird thoughts about my nation, Incredible India ! Mera bharat mahaan ,100 main se 99 beaimaan!! Today, World is running at the speed of bullet train, we are still travelling on roadways bus and listening the music of juddering windows on every speed breaker to compliment with diesel and cigarette smell. Holes in the road or road in the holes.
          Once it was a dream to own a LCD or plasma, Microwave or air conditioner. Dream of a roof of one’s own or a shining car. The dream to bring computer in every home or mobile for every Indian. Well all these dreams can cater by so called loans along with horrible instalments till your last breath or in graves too. Well in real it’s still a dream for many but not for all.
           The dream to make India proud. Dream to have globalization, basic needs, water, electricity, shelter and food for all. India is developing country but where, which way, how and for whom? Only in metros, only in big cities, having malls, branded clothes, shoes, watches, electronic items. Developing the metros and big cities was the dream or the whole county? 
         These dreams turn farsighted and farfetched, practical and impractical, generous and selfish, focused and hazy. Some were changing India palpably others had no choice from the beginning.
       Few days back electricity Grid failure in North India left more than 300 million people with out electricity for few days. If any one can mention what and who could not get affected without electricity, the list will be small, from Delhi metro, computer, water supply, blackout and what not.
          Where we are making records? Grid failure which affected a large number of people in our country or in Olympics 2012.India sent a total of 83 athletes to compete in 13 sports.We are happy to won 3 medals including a sliver and 2 bronze till date. Out of 83 athletes how many of them will get Money, sponsorship, popularity, brands, big banners, interviews or bollwood? I hope we don’t dream only for cricket.
      Do we need a God father or some to come and shake us or we can see our own dreams and act according to the blue print of our dream? Some weird thoughts arise as waves in the ocean of my mind; and left me to continue re-live the feeling of fish out of water. India has changed a lot yet remains the same.

Disha Saxena

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Hum Tum

Hiii, as you can make out from the title itself its all about men and women. As a new blogger although I have many weird thoughts and I decided to write something which is most common from our childhood till date. As we think men are from Mars and women are from Venus, we are sharing the same planet called Earth and reacting as alien to each other. We usually become angry or frustrated with the opposite sex because we have forgotten this important truth. We expect the opposite sex to be more like ourselves. We desire them to "want what we want" and "feel the way we feel.” Each gender is acclimated to its own planet’s society and customs, but not those of the other.
                 I am not dividing them according to their gender or planet, although still I have some weird thoughts Letter B and G, B is for Boys and G is for Girls. Boys life revolves around few things after birth ,baby ,boy, books, bunk, behaviour problems, board exams, bike, bar, booze, boobs, butt, blinking eyes, body building, bad, Batman (Spiderman, super heroes)business, bank, bills ,balance, bandage and bed. Sounds in it….or real??
                  Well another side G for girls, giggle, grades, games, gracefull, good, give, gentle touch, gentle man, gold, grocery, gossip, gems, gardening, grand maa and good bye….hahhaha!!!! It all looks funny and left us with a smile on our face no matter we are under B or G letter. In real life Beauty starts with B and Gadgets starts with G .Its all about understanding and accepting we are different and unique in our own way.
               Men and women give and receive the love in different way. Men are like rubber bands and women are like waves .Women should know, they should not stretch it too hard it may break, strech up to a limit so it will bounce back itself with more love and faith. Women are like waves .A natural cycle for woman that is centred on their ability to give to other people .when they give to others and don’t receive the same amount of love and attention in return, their wave begins to grow until it eventually crashes. This is the time when a woman needs the love, listening, understanding .she don’t share her problem to get solution, she shares just to talk. Once she rejuvenated, she is able to rise like a wave and once again has love and energy to give.
            Another side when men withdraw until they find a solution to the problem. They go into the “cave” with a sign board “don’t disturb” which is invisible to women .In these caves men are not necessarily focused on the problems at hand, many times this is a “time-out” to allow them to distance themselves from the problems so their brain can focus on something else and later they can revisit the problem with fresh perspective.
         We are not aliens; we are just different in our own way and can’t live without each other. You are letter G or B?????
 Disha Saxena

Aunty ji Aunty ji Get up and dance !!!

Hiii,Have u ever notice the street vendors and their marketing skills?while observing street vendors I learned the simple lesson of marketing from them. Lets go one step further and find out the marketing guru in the next least expected person.Despite of no exposure of B-school and marketing guru,who is busy in watching saas bahu serial rather then business news channel. Who do you think can be?guess? ahan!! She is our very beloved next door Aunty ji!!!
 Oh yeah! She comes in all sizes; well…size zero is still not common! The moment she shift in new society is first thing she does is making contact with watchman, give him some money for chai pani and blessed herself with best maid, presswala, sabji wala and cook .Next she throws a party or visit every flat and introduce herself to make contact and join jogging, yoga, walking or laugher club. (In marketing terms: understanding the market and observation) 
Slowly she will be invited for all the major functions of the society and with her scanned eyes she will read, observe and note all the gossip ,relationship, who is who and every small detail of the society members with verbal and non verbal language. (In marketing terms: developing marketing strategies as per customer) 
                                  You may have noticed this new lady becomes the most popular lady of the society .she becomes the one who knew it all. She is aware about all gossip, news, who is flirting with whom, why Pandey ji is coming late? Why Kavita’s maid left her house? Why Jyoti’s kids are wild? What Sahil is thinking about his carrier? How Sudhakar ji is saving dowry for his daughter’s wedding etc, etc.With her big smile and sugar coated words she will capture the nerve of everyone’s pulse .She is now the official boss of the society. (In marketing terms: Unanimous market leader thanks to fulfilling the supply-created demand)             
she is now ready to move on the next step i.e. be the yellow pages for your society.Refrence for hotel ,restaurant ,hospital, dental clinic, grocery shop,parlour,banquest hall, designer clothes ,nursery admission to dhobi ghat,everything is via Aunty ji!!(In marketing terms: Complete monopoly market is established) 
                                Now, she might open her own business from papads to khakaras, sarees to kurties, Avon’s, Oriflame, Amway products to professional mehandi, matchmaking, wedding planner, cooking classes to anything. Who knows, she might even stand for the Municipality ward election! ( In marketing terms: from monopoly market to good will so that the next player doesn't stand a chance and is always a shadow in front of the old brand)

 Jai Ho!!! Aunty ji ! Aunty ji! Get up and dance !!!

Disha Saxena  

Friday, August 3, 2012

Kind of paper

Today, while turning the Newspaper ,I was just looking at some deals on clothes,food and electronic items,suddenly I found myself lost and it took me around two years back in India, Hyderabad.Its kind of  weird thoughts and left me with many questions. It was  Saturday, and like any other holiday ,I decided to spend more time with my maid to clear my house properly. I decided to remove all the old newspaper and immediately I called my building watchman to send someone upstairs to pickup all the old newspaper. After ten minutes, watchman called and said,"madam ji,newspaper wala uppar aaraha hai".In few seconds doorbell rang , I noticed a lean, dark and thin man was standing outside the door in torn clothes with big white jute bag and he asked, "Madam ji kitna newspaper hai ?"I replied "aap idhar hi raho,main le ke aati hoon.He was standing still and waiting for me.I asked him,’kya rate hai? He replied, ‘ek kilo ka six rupees’.I said.’okay’.and I was thinking in my mind, why I am asking him for money? I should not ask rather I should give him for free. He is poor and may be that money can help him at least for his one meal. while I was busy at looking at his age,clothes ,he started his work , he spend around ten minutes to rearrange those old newspaper to make it look neat and better. I was watching his speechless efforts and thinking how dedicated he is towards his job. He weighed all the newspaper and he has given me 50 rupees of all those old newspaper and asked me to give him 2 rupees back. I was still some where else and not able to decide what should I do? Should I  take this 50 rupees or should I tell him that he can keep these 50 rupees with him. I was confused not able to decide and he gave me an old 50 rupee note and gave him 2 rupees back.Once I closed the door, I was still confused and felt that 50 rupee note in my hand and I thought, every paper has different value. This 50 rupee note is just a  kind of  paper and newspaper is also paper. He had spent so much of time to earn something . How much he had earn actually ? Why he is so poor? Why every paper has different value? Can we use Indian currency to read, to spread to make envelopes or for recycling? Can we use newspaper to buy something?Answer was no? Because every paper has different value.

Disha Saxena